- Christian Collberg, Ginger Myles, and Mike
An Empirical Study of Java Bytecode Programs. Technical
Report TR04-11, 2004.
- Ginger Myles and Christian Collberg,
Detecting Software Theft via Whole Program Path Birthmarks.
Information Security Conference, September 27-29, 2004 (to
- Kelly Heffner and Christian Collberg,
The Obfuscation Executive. Information Security Conference,
September 27-29, 2004 (to appear).
- Ginger Myles and Christian Collberg,
Software Watermarking via Opaque Predicates: Implementation,
Analysis, and Attack. ICECR-7, June 10-13, 2004.
- Christian Collberg, Andrew Huntwork, Edward
Carter, and Gregg Townsend. Graph Theoretic Software Watermarks:
Implementation, Analysis, and Attacks. In 6th Information Hiding Workshop,
- C. Collberg, E. Carter, S. Debray, A.
Huntwork, C.
Linn, M. Stepp, Dynamic Path-Based Software Watermarking.
PLDI 2004.
- Christian Collberg, Clark Thomborson, and Gregg M.
Dynamic Graph-Based Software Watermarking. Technical Report
TR04-08, 2004.
- Tapas Ranjan Sahoo and Christian Collberg,
Software Watermarking in the Frequency Domain: Implementation,
Analysis, and Attacks. Technical Report TR04-07, 2004.
- Christian Collberg, Andrew Huntwork, Edward Carter,
and Gregg Townsend,
Graph Theoretic Software Watermarks: Implementation, Analysis, and
Attacks. Technical Report TR04-06, 2004.
- Christian Collberg, Ginger Myles, and Michael Stepp,
Cheating Cheating Detectors. Technical Report TR04-05, 2004.
- Christian Collberg and Kelly Heffner, The
Obfuscation Executive. Technical Report TR04-03, 2004.
- Ginger Myles,
Using Software Watermarking to Discourage Piracy. ACM
Crossroads. Spring 2004.
- Ginger Myles and Christian Collberg, Software Watermarking Through
Register Allocation: Implementation, Analysis, and Attacks. In 6th
International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, 2003.
- Christian Collberg, Ginger Myles, Andrew Huntwork, SandMark - A Tool for
Software Protection Research," IEEE Security and Privacy, Vol. 1, Num. 4, July/August 2003.
- Christian Collberg, Clark Thomborson, Watermarking,
Tamper-Proofing, and Obfuscation - Tools for Software Protection,
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 28:8, 735-746, August
- Christian Collberg, Clark Thomborson, Software
Watermarking - Models and Dynamic Embeddings, ACM POPL'99.
- Christian Collberg, Clark Thomborson, Douglas
Low, Manufacturing Cheap, Resilient, and Stealthy Opaque Constructs
, ACM POPL'98.
- Christian Collberg, Clark Thomborson, Douglas
Low, Breaking Abstractions and Unstructuring Data Structures,